Can you solve these 3 puzzles in under 5 minutes? Let's have fun

Can you solve these 3 puzzles in under 5 minutes? Let's have fun

Can you solve these 3 puzzles in under 5 minutes? Let's have fun!!


2 min read

let's do some fun activities as I am bored and so you are, so let's refresh our minds.

you will not find any solution for this puzzle in this blog, you need to answer on your own:-

some rules:-

  1. Don't go over the internet and find the answer.
  2. use your notebook and pen to analyze.
  3. the problems are tough.

1) Prime and palindrome

79 is a prime number, which is divisible by itself and one. and the palindrome of 79 is 97 which is also prime. you need to find the 50th prime, palindromic number.

I already told you it's difficult!!

2) Bridge and the lion!!

Four people Harry, George Samantha, and Charles want to go to the other end of the bridge. it's dark and dangerous as there could be a lion on the bridge who is afraid of flashlights. Luckily they have one flashlight and each time two people can cross the bridge. Harry and George are young they take only 1 min and 2 min respectively, while Samantha and Charles take 7 min and 10 mins respectively, what is the shortest possible time to cross the bridge?

It's just starting guys, three more to go.

3) 3L and 5L

The most famous puzzle, you have two containers one has a 3L capacity and the other has a 5L capacity and you have an unlimited water stream. you need to calculate exactly four liters of water by transferring water from one container to another plus by emptying and refilling the container. how much minimum step it will take to get exactly 4 L of water?


All the best and have fun!!

do comment if you can solve all in 5 minutes.

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