How to solve 100+ problems on leetcode? 
3 Step approach before approaching any question on leetcode

How to solve 100+ problems on leetcode? 3 Step approach before approaching any question on leetcode


2 min read

let me tell you my story about when I started my journey in web development within three months I was able to solve more than 100 problems on Leetcode and 500+ problems on other platforms.

Solving 100 problems in three months is an excellent achievement but how does that happen what was my approach to solving the DSA problems?

Most of the students tend to get afraid after hearing the word DSA and DSA problems, so for all of you guys, I have made my simple three-step approach to approach DSA problems on leetcode or any other coding platform.

The three things you need to understand before opening the leetcode are as follows:-

1) Basic Knowledge of the programming language.

what does that mean?

it basically means that you guys should know the primitive data types and how to declare them. the primitive Data Types in JavaScript are->

  1. string

  2. number

  3. boolean

  4. undefined

  5. null

  6. bigInt

  7. symbol

2) Know basic data structures and how to iterate them. Basic data structures in JavaScript are:-

  1. String

  2. Arrays

3) Do this 20 patterns:- 5 patterns a day

> Day-1

1)image.png 2)
image.png 3) image.png 4) image.png 5) image.png


1) image.png 2)

image.png 3)

image.png 4)

image.png 5)



1) image.png 2) image.png 3) image.png 4) image.png 5) image.png


1) image.png 2) image.png 3) image.png 4) image.png 5) image.png

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